sâmbătă, 28 iunie 2014

Pink and pretty table, summer, flowers, outdoors, white tables, love, pink tea party ♥

Pink and pretty table, summer, flowers, outdoors, white tables, love, pink tea party ♥

One of the best moments you'll ever have post-wedding is sitting down with your newly anointed Mr. or Mrs. and looking through each and every glorious image of your wedding, as captured by your friends and family. I mean, let's face it, your besties really know how to snap up those totally amazing, ...

One of the best moments you'll ever have post-wedding is sitting down with your newly anointed Mr. or Mrs. and looking through each and every glorious image of your wedding, as captured by your friends and family. I mean, let's face it, your besties really know how to snap up those totally amazing, ...

This is so beautiful. But I'd be afraid to sit down and be swarmed by bees...

This is so beautiful. But I'd be afraid to sit down and be swarmed by bees...

pillows, stone, flowers, what's not to love! I want this on my back patio outside the master bedroom!

pillows, stone, flowers, what's not to love! I want this on my back patio outside the master bedroom!

This Entrance it's Awesome

This Entrance it's Awesome

vineri, 27 iunie 2014

Aechmea. Must find out if this amazing flower will survive outside in a temperate rainforest. So beautiful

Aechmea. Must find out if this amazing flower will survive outside in a temperate rainforest. So beautiful

minnie mouse

minnie mouse

vintage container with amazing flowers

vintage container with amazing flowers

Amazing flower, Passiflora, in my garden.

Amazing flower, Passiflora, in my garden.

~~Puya berteroniana Blooming Blue by plantmanbuckner~~

~~Puya berteroniana Blooming Blue by plantmanbuckner~~

miercuri, 25 iunie 2014



Stone Flowers Garden Art Hand Chipped Sandstone Koi

Stone Flowers Garden Art Hand Chipped Sandstone Koi

hhhh. One day I will have that garden - Amazing Flower Garden Idea

hhhh. One day I will have that garden - Amazing Flower Garden Idea

Rustic Bird House

Rustic Bird House

Add blooms to your garden with these flower garden ideas in every color of the rainbow.

Add blooms to your garden with these flower garden ideas in every color of the rainbow.

i would like the two beds in the front of the house next to the pavers like this- no stacking of separation

i would like the two beds in the front of the house next to the pavers like this- no stacking of separation

luni, 23 iunie 2014

Awesome.. I really like them

Awesome.. really in love

I love flowers

I love flowers

Plants vary in terms of frost tolerance, but many can be planted outside early without any danger of damage from frost or snow. The advantage of containers is that they can be moved into a more protected spot if you have any concerns at all.

Plants vary in terms of frost tolerance, but many can be planted outside early without any danger of damage from frost or snow. The advantage of containers is that they can be moved into a more protected spot if you have any concerns at all.

Galvanized tub flower pot in old chair - beautiful repurposing for the garden...to go with our troughs outside the shop? @Melissa Squires Squires Squires Squires Kiefer

Galvanized tub flower pot in old chair - beautiful repurposing for the garden...to go with our troughs outside the shop? @Melissa Squires Squires Squires Squires Kiefer

color and various heights - my kind of flower garden!

color and various heights - my kind of flower garden!

duminică, 22 iunie 2014

Funky wine country style in this outdoor living room. View the BHG slideshow for more trends in outdoor living!

Funky wine country style in this outdoor living room. View the BHG slideshow for more trends in outdoor living!

Fence landscaping

Fence landscaping

Purple Petunias outdoors flowers purple garden yard decorate petunia

Purple Petunias outdoors flowers purple garden yard decorate petunia

have a bunch of smaller wire baskets maybe I need to make a hanging planter like this.

have a bunch of smaller wire baskets maybe I need to make a hanging planter like this.

Flower baskets filled bicycle!!! Bebe'!!!Cute addition to any outdoor or garden area!!!

Flower baskets filled bicycle!!! Bebe'!!!Cute addition to any outdoor or garden area!!!

sâmbătă, 21 iunie 2014

Beautiful porch.

Beautiful porch.

Front Porch, Montreal, Canada

Front Porch, Montreal, Canada

Bird Nest Planters

Bird Nest Planters

Get the most from your outdoor areas with these small yard, balcony and roof design ideas.

Get the most from your outdoor areas with these small yard, balcony and roof design ideas.

Pretty Lanterns in The Backyard

Pretty Lanterns in The Backyard

vineri, 20 iunie 2014

Alternative Gardning: Island bed garden design

Alternative Gardning: Island bed garden design

Cool Vintage-Looking Garden Pots | Shelterness

Cool Vintage-Looking Garden Pots | Shelterness

Cute...can act as a scarecrow as well

Cute...can act as a scarecrow as well

Trough gardens are a great way to grow small drought-tolerant perennials, succulents, and alpine plants. Here are some of the best.

Trough gardens are a great way to grow small drought-tolerant perennials, succulents, and alpine plants. Here are some of the best.

Vegetable and Fruit Garden

Vegetable and Fruit Garden

marți, 10 iunie 2014

eautiful Backyard Ponds And Water Garden Ideas | Daily source for inspiration and fresh ideas on Architecture, Art and Design

eautiful Backyard Ponds And Water Garden Ideas | Daily source for inspiration and fresh ideas on Architecture, Art and Design

Put a raised patio above boulders

Put a raised patio above boulders

{Paixão Por Decorar}

{Paixão Por Decorar}



luni, 9 iunie 2014

Perfect for the separation spot between our backyard & side yard. Replace chainlink with wood fencing & install a spring arbor. Wooden Spring Arbor

Perfect for the separation spot between our backyard & side yard. Replace chainlink with wood fencing & install a spring arbor. Wooden Spring Arbor

What a great way to cover up exposed roots and dirt patches under trees! Turn it into a relaxing resident reading area! I LOVE THIS for curb appeal if it can be seen from the street. I know what you are thinking about the pillows! Bring them in at night! I just LOVE how they brighten up the space!

What a great way to cover up exposed roots and dirt patches under trees! Turn it into a relaxing resident reading area! I LOVE THIS for curb appeal if it can be seen from the street. I know what you are thinking about the pillows! Bring them in at night! I just LOVE how they brighten up the space!

duminică, 8 iunie 2014

That is so pretty

That is so pretty

Backyard Gardens. Hang plants from tree branches.. love it! I always do a few. This looks so pretty- need to do more this year!

Backyard Gardens. Hang plants from tree branches.. love it! I always do a few. This looks so pretty- need to do more this year!

Railings add safety and support to a deck, but why not add style while you're at it? Give your deck a dose of personality with distinctive railings

Railings add safety and support to a deck, but why not add style while you're at it? Give your deck a dose of personality with distinctive railings

perfect dinner with a perfect backyard view!!!

perfect dinner with a perfect backyard view!!!

sâmbătă, 7 iunie 2014

Sunflowers really work...had several different kinds of birds last year in my garden.

Sunflowers really work...had several different kinds of birds last year in my garden.

Vintage furniture and decor accessories, handmade lighting, garden decorations made of repurposed or recycled items, simple backyard ideas and front yard landscaping add the beauty and charm to tradit

Vintage furniture and decor accessories, handmade lighting, garden decorations made of repurposed or recycled items, simple backyard ideas and front yard landscaping add the beauty and charm to tradit

Lavender and rose, such a classically beautiful combination.

Lavender and rose, such a classically beautiful combination.

Moss Phlox (Phlox subulata) is a richly flowering, clump-forming phlox that stays green in both summer and winter. In spring these plants produce innumerable crimson and white flowers that attract butterflies. These Phlox like to be planted in full sunshine.

Moss Phlox (Phlox subulata) is a richly flowering, clump-forming phlox that stays green in both summer and winter. In spring these plants produce innumerable crimson and white flowers that attract butterflies. These Phlox like to be planted in full sunshine.